Saturday, April 6, 2013

National Tartan Day!

Today, April 6th, is National Tartan Day!
And it just so happens that yesterday I was helping a friend make a kilt and I really got that pull and desire to get back into this whole Krazy thing. I had huge plans for this blog and for Krazy Kilts in general but life has a way of laughing mockingly at those plans. So I'm going to try and put forth a few goals for myself with this blog and by having it written down for all the world to see I'm going to believe in myself that I can achieve those goals. (whew, that was hard to write since I kept wanting to say "hopefully" and "perhaps" - but those who wear kilts do not have a doubtful disposition, we are a brave strong variety of humans and we will stay strong in our pride right?!) :)

Goals for Krazy Kilt blog:
  •  Do more than two post over the next 6 months! (have to start out small and do better than we've been doing right?) 
  • Post pictures and share story behind kilt bustle
  • Post pictures of our own kilt collection
  • Do a post about all the things I hope to make and sell with Krazy Kilts
  •  Do post talking about other blogs, or fun pictures, or inspiration - there's a ton of fun stuff I've seen on facebook and pinterest, I might as well share it 
  • Finally make some tie dye kilts to sell - we bought the fabric but our friend that is tie-dying it ran into a huge project plus winter made it so he couldn't get all those yards and yards of fabric outside to dry after dying, but the weather has finally warmed up and the project is done so he's getting our brightly swirling colored fabric started. Hooray!
  • Make some more kid kilts. I've made a bunch of baby kilts but just one kid kilt for my own son - he loves wearing it and I love how much he enjoys it so I want to try and make more.
  •  Finish the not tartan, not kilt, just fun costume stuff that I've made and plan to sell in our shop and post pictures of them for you all to enjoy. (If I imagine I'm writing for hundreds of people to read it will happen right?) :D
Back to that kilt I was helping make yesterday - my friend hasn't ever made a kilt before, she hasn't really sewn that much before. But we worked on a denim kilt for her husband for about 4 hours and we got very close to finishing it! It was nice because I was just doing it as a fun thing with a friend and it helped me to remember how quick and easy and fun these things can be - a confidence boost for sure. And while it's true that we were able to get so much done because her kids were over and distracted and tormented, I mean played with and entertained of course, my kids and each other - I'm going to believe that I can accomplish my goals and more even if my kids are around. Thankfully the weather warming up means they can go outside more and that alleviates a lot of the "entertain us at all hours of the day mom" dilemma that hinders kilt sewing.

So I hope you're inspired by National Tartan Day - wear a kilt, or at least enjoy a few pictures of some great looking guys and others in kilts like the ones below!

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